Why You Need Vitamins and Supplements

“Hippocrates once said, ‘Let food be thy medicine,’ but unfortunately, for many people today, food falls short of fulfilling that role. In fact, for most individuals, their food choices are often the very reason they require medication. While many individuals turn to vitamins and supplements, have you ever pondered why these additions are necessary even when following a seemingly healthy diet? There are several reasons to consider:



1. The majority of people who believe they maintain a healthy diet often fall short. Are you truly consuming a minimum of four servings of a diverse range of vegetables each day? Is the fish you consume both organic and wild-caught, with a weekly intake of 4-6 servings? Are the meats you consume organic as well?



2. Depleted soil has significantly diminished the nutritional value of our produce. Research indicates that the amount of vitamin C found in 8 oranges today is equivalent to what would have been obtained from just one orange a few decades ago. While this example may be extreme, it highlights the fact that today, one needs to consume substantially more fruits and vegetables to achieve the same nutritional benefits as those derived from such foods half a century ago.



3. The quality of our meats has declined over time. Feeding grain to cattle affects the fat content, making it less healthy. Moreover, most store-bought meats and eggs are laden with antibiotics and hormones. Additionally, organ meats, which are rich in essential vitamins and minerals that are challenging to obtain through other means, are now rarely included in our diets. When was the last time you enjoyed a generous serving of liver or sweetbread? If you’re under 50, the answer is likely never.



Despite these discouraging facts, there is a silver lining. By incorporating a few high-quality (i.e., not purchased from Walmart) supplements into your daily routine, you can significantly enhance your nutrition. First and foremost, consider a reliable multivitamin. A good multivitamin will supplement the necessary vitamins and minerals your body requires to function optimally and promote effective healing and repair. 



Additionally, fish oil is worth considering. While many have already heard of its benefits and may even be taking fish oil currently, unless you are consuming 4-6 servings of wild, organic fish every week, you can likely benefit from a fish oil supplement.”



There are many quality supplement companies we work with. The product we like the best is Nutridyn’s Everyday Essentials. Everyday Essentials provides comprehensive nutritional support for overall health and well-being.  


Each bottle contains 30 packets of high quality broad coverage supplements including Essential Multi, Omega Pure EPA-DHA 600+, Bone Support Vegetarian, and D3 5000 with K2 for broad-spectrum health benefits.


Have questions about what you should be taking? Make sure to ask one of our doctors.

As always, if you found value in this article please be sure to ‘share’ it below.




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