Rheumatoid, Fibromyalgia, Lupus Oh My

Growing research is increasingly pointing towards the intestines as the primary cause of numerous autoimmune diseases such as Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Raynaud’s, and many others. Could it be possible that Leaky Gut Syndrome directly contributes to the development of these diseases?

To simplify, the intestines possess small openings that allow nutrients to pass into the bloodstream. However, these openings can become inflamed, causing them to expand. Consequently, toxins are able to escape from the intestines and enter the bloodstream. Naturally, the body reacts negatively to this process, resulting in an overactive and hyperstimulated immune system that starts attacking its own cells. This is what defines an autoimmune disease.

Therefore, it’s plausible that the key to effectively treating and potentially curing autoimmune diseases lies not in merely addressing the symptoms with immunosuppressants, but in targeting the underlying issue and promoting gut healing.

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