If you’ve ever experienced back pain accompanied by pain radiating down your leg, you may be dealing with sciatica. This condition is commonly seen by chiropractors and can often be alleviated through their care.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Sciatica is essentially inflammation or irritation of the sciatic nerve, which originates in the buttocks and extends down the leg. When the nerve becomes irritated, you may experience throbbing or burning pain along the back of your leg.
Several factors can contribute to sciatica, ranging from prolonged car rides to keeping your wallet in your back pocket. However, the most frequent cause is incorrect movement of the pelvis, which leads to tightness in the piriformis muscle. Since the sciatic nerve passes beneath the piriformis, tightness in this muscle can compress the nerve and lead to sciatica.
So, how do we address this issue at our office?
First, we need to stretch the piriformis muscle and encourage its relaxation. By doing this, the pressure on the sciatic nerve decreases, and the symptoms may subside. More importantly, we must address the underlying cause of the muscle tightness and ensure proper pelvic function. This is where chiropractic adjustments come in.
Through gentle manipulation of the joint and improving its mobility, the piriformis muscle relaxes, often leading to relief from symptoms. When combined with a simple stretch, we typically see significant improvement. (However, please note that if you are experiencing significant pain, attempting this stretch may worsen your symptoms. It is advisable to consult with your chiropractor before trying it.)
To assist you further, we’ve created a video that demonstrates the recommended stretch.
Watch the Piriformis Stretch Video
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