
It’s So SAD… The Standard American Diet.

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The acronym SAD, representing the Standard American Diet, is quite fitting considering the questionable assortment of items that stock our pantries and grocery store aisles. Chips, crackers, soda, bagels, cereal, pop tarts, and the like hardly qualify as nutritious food. It’s not surprising, then, that the United States has plummeted in the global rankings of […]

Does Giving Infants Antibiotics Lead to Disease in Adulthood?

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A study conducted in 2015 by the University of Minnesota revealed a correlation between the use of antibiotics in infants and the development of diseases later in life, including allergies, autoimmune diseases, and asthma. Numerous articles from medical journals also support these findings, indicating a connection between infant antibiotics and various health issues such as […]

Chiropractic Care for Your Whiplash Injury

If you have ever experienced a rapid back-and-forth movement of your neck, followed by neck pain, there’s a high possibility that you’ve sustained a whiplash injury. Although we often associate whiplash with car accidents, it can also occur from slips and falls on ice, sports collisions, or even riding in a bumper car. While most […]

Can This One Stretch Get Rid of Sciatica

If you’ve ever experienced back pain accompanied by pain radiating down your leg, there is a high possibility that you are dealing with sciatica. This condition is commonly observed by chiropractors and can usually be alleviated through their assistance. Sciatica is essentially inflammation or irritation of the sciatic nerve, which originates in the buttocks and […]

Which Doctors and Health Experts Do We Follow Online?

Curious about reliable websites for health information? In this post, I’ll introduce you to the trusted sources we visit regularly and provide a brief overview of each. For those interested in nutrition, particularly the paleo diet/lifestyle, we highly recommend the following websites: 1. MarksDailyApple.com: Mark Sisson’s website is our go-to resource for paleo information. It […]

5 Tips to Reduce Your Low Back Pain

A significant majority of Americans, approximately 80%, are expected to encounter low back pain at least once during their lifetime. Furthermore, it is estimated that around 10% of Americans suffer from chronic low back pain.   Here are 5 simple tips to reduce your low back pain:

3 Tips to Reduce Stress, Elevate Mood, and Increase Productivity

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Life can often become overwhelmingly stressful, impacting our well-being and happiness. However, there are effective ways to manage stress, boost productivity, and enhance mood. Here are three valuable tips to achieve these goals:   1. Embrace ‘Margin’: In our busy lives, juggling responsibilities like school, work, and appointments can be highly stressful. To alleviate this, […]

What’s Causing Your Tension Headache?

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If you experience headaches originating from the base of your skull, it is likely that you are dealing with tension headaches. Tension headaches occur when the muscles in your upper back and/or neck become tight and exert pressure on the base of your skull, leading to a headache. These tight muscles are often a result […]

10 Simple Tips for Healthy Eating and Weight Loss

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With countless diets available, it can be overwhelming as people often switch from one trend to another without achieving significant results. To assist you in losing weight and improving your fitness, we have devised ten guidelines. 1. Reduce Refined Sugar: The average American consumes an estimated 160 pounds of sugar annually, equivalent to over 18,000 […]